Golden Records: How Do They Support B2B Lead Generation?

Lead generation is about using data to identify leads that can be fed into your sales pipeline. This isn’t a straightforward process, however, because there are significant challenges with your data that needs to be addressed. Incomplete data, duplicate data, inaccurate or outdated data, and data silos are common challenges that many B2B technology businesses face when looking for data to support their inbound and outbound marketing campaigns.  When it comes to data quality, golden records are the future of finding the best data available to ensure 

What is a Golden Record?

Poor quality data makes it difficult to reach prospective customers that drive your pipeline, resulting in fewer sales and less revenue. The solution is the Golden Record, data that contains contact information that’s correct today, rather than at some point in the past. 

Steps to build a Golden Record: There are three steps to building a Golden Record.

  1. Identify every data source that feeds into the dataset.
  2. Determine the most reliable fields from these data sources.
  3. Define criteria for overwriting conflicting data from a second source.

What does a Golden Record look like?

A Golden Record is a single source of truth about a prospect.  This truth may originate from a single source or a combination of sources, but its accuracy has been verified by a human researcher. With a Golden Record, your sales and marketing team can quickly and confidently contact a new lead.

Why do Golden Records matter?

Accurate and up-to-date data is the foundation of successful marketing campaigns. It helps marketers develop effective messaging and businesses make insightful decisions. Reaching the right people at the right time makes it much easier to feed prospects into your pipeline, increasing sales and revenue.

How do Golden Records support lead generation?

DataLists’s Golden Records support your lead generation activities by identifying three important criteria. These are your Total Addressable Market, a single source of truth for each prospect and a targeted approach to prospecting.

Total Addressable Market: We not only identify your Total Addressable Market but also find information that indicates the best way to target this market. We identify the buyer personas for the users, influencers and decision-makers in your target companies, as well as the ideal customer profile for your perfect customer.

Single source of truth: Using a single source of truth for your data helps you maintain a clean database and CRM. This allows your sales and marketing teams to quickly and efficiently contact prospective leads that can be fed into your sales pipeline.

Targeted approach: With pertinent information on each buyer persona, your marketing and sales team can develop a targeted approach, specific to each lead. This content is designed to engage your prospects and feed them into your sales pipeline.

How DataList discovers custom-built Golden Records

DataList is the world’s leading provider of custom-built B2B Golden Records. This accolade is achieved by using the best-in-breed technology, human data researchers and a proprietary database.

Best-of-breed technology: Using the latest advanced technology, we cross-reference all your current data sources to ensure that the information is accurate.

Use of human data researchers: We use local knowledge and expertise to determine which record for a prospect is correct and up to date. 

Proprietary database: Consisting of over 80 million decision makers, our proprietary database is continuously updated to ensure that it only contains the valuable Golden Records.

If you’re ready to access Golden Records for your organisation, don’t hesitate to contact us today!


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